Thursday, January 29, 2009

nothing much

just type for the sake of typing, won't say that I hate typing, is just that there isn't anything big happening nowadays as it's during the winter holiday. As my dear classmates are enjoying themselves in Taipei(envy), I spent most of my time sleeping, as a cure for my liver, which is being pushed to the limit haha, luckily I didn't die during that period of time -.-''' anyway, as suggested by some of my classmates, I will be adding some chinese blog to this page, so might be a bit mixed.... ya I guess that's all, nothing much XD

Thursday, January 22, 2009


1.我的大名: 李乃中 2.我的生日: 5/6
3.誰傳給你的: Eric ㄏㄏ
4.說出五個好朋友: (排名不分先後.) Eric, Grace, Angela, Nicholas, Liza (and many many moreXD)
6.生日想要得到什麼禮物: 家人+朋友+妳的祝福XD
9.未來想做什麼啊: 做回自己,孝順父母,給身邊的人幸福.
10.有沒有喜歡的人: 家人+朋友+妳XD
11.同學會要回去找老師嗎: 會的
13.如果你的兩個好友吵架了:ㄏㄏ幫他們一起吵? 當然是勸架!!
14.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 跟情人出去就是幸福^ ^
15.聖誕節要做啥: 巧克力= =+
16.最想跟誰過聖誕節: 朋友
17.有沒有起床氣: 沒有
20.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : 我還能愛誰
23.愛不愛我:愛誰啊= =+
43.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所:當然敢,難道要憋死不成= =
46.誰很欠打: Mr王
47.現在很迷什麼:電腦= =
50.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人: 哪會=]
52.今天天氣:不像冬天= =
54.你若中樂透最想做什麼:投資= =+


*你喜歡的季節: 秋天
*你會抽菸嗎: 不會
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰):晴.
*最在乎哪幾個朋友: 是朋友就會在乎
*聽甚麼歌一定會流淚: 對不起謝謝
*你一直都相信自己既選擇嗎? :既然選擇了就不要懷疑
*你愛的人不愛你的話,要過多久才可以不再愛他/她?: 看人
*你的初戀係幾時: 去年
*你想幾歲結婚? 順其自然
*你對朋友有什麼看法?: 謝謝你們
*你e+對你前度男友/女友 仲有冇感覺le?:沒有
*你答完尼d問題之後會做咩啊? : 等吃飯ㄏㄏ


Am I.... am I..... ok??
Eh... about this question.... the answer should be .... not sure...
I am a bit scare right now, afraid of doing something wrong, afraid of not giving the best I could.... afraid of annoying someone.... since when have I become so scared, how should I explain all the mess feelings in my heart now... or should I not define them and just let the time wash it away, honestly saying.... I don't know.... Since when, I started to think so much, and why my heart is in a mess.... I thought I should be alright already, not haven't I. I should be alright by now, I must and I will..... ><

Monday, January 19, 2009


I really need a brainwashing session, and I need it desperately!

I think the problem is with me, for not having the right mindset to start with.

I realli nid some help...... or I afraid my heart would lose control again, as my heart will be in a mess again if the situation is as bad.... is it realli that necessary to keep a relationship to such a low profile that you can't bear it anymore? I am not those kind of person who would "surpress" my feeling until a specific time and then let it out, if I like a person, I would show my love to her whenever possible, not like strangers just not to let the others know. I don't want to give her any trouble, as she is already trying her best. However, why is it that my heart is bleeding again... it is not that she is hurting me, I am hurting myself. My past is hunting me like a nightmare, I can't control my passion anymore, it's like bursting out although I tried to resist it, but honestly saying, it's very hard for me... to have the strength to surpress it any longer... I want to give her all the best I can, but the fact is that the reality that I am facing in this new school it's making it difficult for me... Everyone is so innocent(maybe some are not), so innocent to the extent that it's is troubling me. My heart has long lost it's direction, but there is one thing for sure, it's that the feeling I have for her is real, and I am willing to do anything for her to make her happy.

I hate myself, I am behaving like a jerk, do I have the right to enjoy this sense of happiness... I don't want to hurt her, I want to give her the best things I could give. Sometime I have this weird feeling, I hope that someone can literary "stab" my heart such that the emotions could be surpressed forever, and I will never be sad again.......

And a special thank to Eric who is always willing to help me XD

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The wine named love

To me, love is just a glass of wine.
A glass full of low quality wine makes you drunk, and makes you headache.
A wine with good quality makes you feel a little bit dizzy, but the feeling is good.
It is not advisable to finish a bottle of good quality wine in just one gulp,
enjoy it, preserve it, and adore it.
Let the silky wine slips down your throat, and immerse yourself in the sense of comfort.
Let your heart sink, sinking into the world of paradise.

Can I?

Can I, ask for more that I shouldn't ask for?
Or, Should I just let it happen when it's time?
I really enjoy the days that I am having now, but I guess the evil side within me is no longer in control. I appreciate the feelings that I am having now, for this is a life that I long expecting for since last year, a peace and fulfilling life.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

New year, new beginning! So, why not leave behind all the sad things that happened last year and start a new chapter XD The first wish of the year......I WANT TO PASS MY PHYSIC!!!!AH!!!!! I don't want to take it again for the next term, becuase it's driving me crazy and burning my money to ashes!! Anyway, back to the happy side of life, wish everyone a fulfilling year, and hope that everything goes smoothly =]